Hi, I'm Jackie Gibon. I still struggle with acne that started in my teen years despite sitting firmly in mid-adulthood. Complicating medical conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, make it difficult to overcome acne outbreaks that occur as hormones flare. Thanks to my strong interest in skincare routines, I have gleaned information that helps keep my skin in good shape otherwise. I just need help when my hormone levels run amok. Thankfully, I can rely on my dermatologist to provide adequate acne treatments that bring my skin back into line. I hope to share my experiences with these treatments with you through this site. I will talk about acne treatments, skincare routines and products you can use to control outbreaks. Please feel free to drop by anytime. Thanks for visiting.
One of the most important resources at your disposal when you have undergone any type of pelvic surgery is a physical therapist, mostly because of the many ways in which he or she can help you heal and recover after the surgery. Listed below are three ways that a physical therapist can help you after your pelvic surgery.
Help You Safely Regain Strength
One of the biggest ways in which a physical therapist can help you after your pelvic surgery is by allowing you to regain your strength safely. A major mistake that you can make after your surgery is attempting to exercise and rebuild your strength on your own, mostly because it can be frustrating to try to take things slow because you naturally want to get back to your old activities and habits as quickly as possible. The problem with this is that you could easily end up making a mistake during that process and end up hurting yourself very badly, possibly to the point where you may end up having to undergo surgery again or greatly extend your recovery time.
However, the physical therapist will be able to look at the type of surgery that you underwent and come up with a safe and effective physical-therapy regimen. This will greatly reduce the chances that you will end up injuring yourself during the recovery process.
Alleviate Pain
Another way that a physical therapist can help you after pelvic surgery is by providing you with methods to alleviate the pain that can sometimes accompany your completed surgery. These pain-relieving methods can range from massages to various exercise plans that are meant to loosen up your muscles and allow your body to heal and relax. In addition, the physical therapist can also turn to ultrasound or electrical stimulation in order to help alleviate your pain.
Teach You How to Handle Your Mobility Aids
Finally, you will want to see a physical therapist after you have your pelvic surgery because the physical therapist will be able to teach you how to correctly handle your mobility aids. For example, many people have a very hard time handling crutches for the first time, and this can lead to big problems with falling after pelvic surgery, more pelvic fractures, or intense pain. As a result, it is vital you have a physical therapist show you not only how to use your crutches correctly but also how to walk with your crutches in a way that prevents you from putting too much weight on the side of your body that was the focus of your surgery.
Make an appointment with a local physical therapist's office such as Western Branch Center for Women today in order to discuss the various ways in which they may be able to assist you with your pelvic-surgery recovery. A physical therapist can help you regain strength safely, alleviate pain, and teach you how to handle your mobility aids.
Share30 January 2017