Hi, I'm Jackie Gibon. I still struggle with acne that started in my teen years despite sitting firmly in mid-adulthood. Complicating medical conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, make it difficult to overcome acne outbreaks that occur as hormones flare. Thanks to my strong interest in skincare routines, I have gleaned information that helps keep my skin in good shape otherwise. I just need help when my hormone levels run amok. Thankfully, I can rely on my dermatologist to provide adequate acne treatments that bring my skin back into line. I hope to share my experiences with these treatments with you through this site. I will talk about acne treatments, skincare routines and products you can use to control outbreaks. Please feel free to drop by anytime. Thanks for visiting.
Teething and ear infections can have some similar symptoms. The similar symptoms make it very easy for parents to confuse one for the other. This creates a problem, as an ear infection can get much worse if a parent thinks his/her baby is just teething. Do you know how to tell the difference between teething and an ear infection? Here's everything you need to know.
A High Fever
If your child has a high fever along with rosy cheeks and lots of drool, it is possible that your child has an ear infection. Teething doesn't cause a high fever. If your child has a fever that does not go away with pain killers, you should consult with a pediatrician.
Difficulty Sleeping
Not sleeping through the night is a common trait of a baby. When your baby is teething, he or she may wake during the night from some pain. However, in most cases your child will be able to stay asleep once down. If you are struggling to get your little one to settle down, you can use pain medication for infants to help.
When your baby doesn't respond to any treatments, it is possible that your child has an ear infection instead. Because of the lack of sleep, your child may also be fussy throughout the day. Your child may not be able to lie flat because this can cause the pain from the infection to feel worse.
Holding the Ear
Young babies can't tell you what is wrong with them, so they have to show you through actions. One of the actions to show they are in pain is to hold that area—or at least put their hand in the vicinity. This happens when dealing with ear infections. Babies will often place their hands over their ear or nearby. It can be mistaken with teething sometimes, as with lack of coordination it can look like babies are holding their cheeks.
In later stages of ear infections, you may also see pus or liquid dripping from the ear. Don't worry about the pus, but do get your baby to a doctor right away for treatment.
White Bumps on the Gums
White bumps in the mouth are nothing to worry about usually. They are just the baby's teeth pushing through the gums, and a major sign that your child is teething. Drooling and constantly putting their hands/items in their mouth is another common sign of teething.
There is no proof that teething will lead to ear infections, so this isn't something you need to worry about either. There are some different symptoms of the two, but you will need to watch your child carefully to gauge which one he/she is suffering from. For more information, talk to a pediatrician at an office such as Willow Oak Pediatrics.
Share2 September 2016